DACH Region

PM Tour Registration 2024

Register for a front row seat to improve your knowledge about particle sizing

There are many different kinds of disperse systems - like powders, granules, fibres, suspensions, emulsions or aerosols. Depending on size and shape of the particles, they show different behaviours as a result of their physical properties. But what do they all have in common? They determine the quality of your final product.

Only if these particle properties are measured can they be controlled. In order to measure right - reliable, time and again - we design our instruments to be adaptable to the specific needs of your product. To discover how we might fulfil your requirements, we invite you to this year's Sympatec Particle Measurement Tour at selected locations across Europe. Samples are welcome.

We look forward to seeing you!


General Information

The event is FREE of charge.
Please register every person separately.
The dead line for registration is one week prior to the event.


Workshop | Program

Part 1 | Morning Session

  • Fundamentals of particle size and shape characterization
  • Introduction to our particle analysers and selected applications

Part 2 | Afternoon Session

  • Exhibition and demonstration of Sympatec instruments
  • Hands-on particle characterization: Your samples are welcome!