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Technical Specifications



2 µm - 5 mm


image analysis

pulsed light source,
sub-nanosecond illumination1


flow cell

wet dispersion, stainlesss steel (V4A), EPDM seals, GMP design with different gap widths adapte to the size range of the particles:

gap width 0.2 mm, cross section 5 mm
gap width 0.5 mm, cross section 5 mm
gap width 1.0 mm, cross section 8 mm
gap width 2.0 mm, cross section 16 mm
gap width 4.0 mm, cross section 30 mm
gap width 10 mm,  cross section 30 mm


high speed camera

1024 x 1024 pixels
frame rate up to 450 frames/sec


optical modules

M8: 20 µm to 20,480 µm ( 6,820 µm),
M7: 10 µm to 10,240 µm ( 3,410 µm ),
M6: 5 µm to 5,120 µm (1,705 µm),
M5: 3.3 µm to 3,410 µm (1,140 µm)
M4: 2 µm to 2,048 µm (682 µm)

The values in brackets represent
ISO 13322-2


particle size, particle shape, fibre characteristics

area-equivalent circle, bounding rectangle, chord length, Feret diameters, sphericity, aspect ratio, convexity, fibre length, fibre diameter, elongation, straightness


WINDOX software

WINDOWS 7, XP Professional


unified software operation

all Sympatec particle sizing instruments, e.g. QICPIC, HELOS, MYTOS, OPUS, NANOPHOX


reference material

standard test procedure
SiC - P80 (x50 = 247 µm)
SiC - P50 (x50 = 424 µm)
SiC - P16 (x50 = 1600 µm)


FDA compliant

e.g. CFR 21 Rule 11

More ...

On-line particle size and shape analysis
with image processing of highes order 2 µm - 5000 µm

Symbol: Sympatec Cactus

Laser Safety1

All sensors of the PICCELL series are Class I Laser Products. Avoid direct eye exposure.

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